德鲁·布罗德里克,It began at an early age when Drew spent all his time drawing, painting, creating small stories & having his friends act out the characters, and then recording everything using his friends' camcorder. Drew was enthralled with the art. Being a "lefty", kids would tease him incessantly, but little did he know that this "setback" would serve him well in the art world. By the age of 7, his mother was working two jobs to keep food on the table for him & his older sis, Katie, whom he adores. After seeing her son's love of art, his mother got him involved with the local "Community Players of Salisbury".This would be where he received his first dose of acting within the classics such as "Bye Bye, Birdie", "Oliver!", "Sound of Music, & "Guys N' Dolls" to name a few. Drew immediately fell in love with the entire production process. This would be the first time that he felt a true sense of belonging; like "yeah, I think I'm gonna like it here".As a child, Drew stayed with his dad during the summer months when school was out, & one of the main things they bonded on was movies. I remember riding my bike to the theatre with my dad almost every other day, & how excited he would get before each feature. Even back at the house, his pop would let him watch all sorts of genres; I like to think it was to give me a sense of perspective & appreciation for all kinds of cinema.As Drew went from 8 to 18 years old seemingly overnight, he started to notice how often he would be considered for high school plays.After long talks with his logical & risk-assessing mother about his future & what he might want to be, Drew learned a trade they call Civil Engineering. The high school down the street offered a Vo-Tech Program for "Autocad", so he enrolled in every class they had to offer. Turns out that Drew did quite well in this field, & this would help him be able to live comfortably as a college student by working part-time with quite a few local Engineering Firms. Drew completed his Bachelor's De