杰西卡·克拉克,中文名:杰西卡·克拉克英文名:Jessica Clarke国籍:新西兰出生日期:1993年身高:180 cm三围:82-60-88 cm眼球颜色:蓝色头发颜色:棕色所属经纪公司: DNA超模新人杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 来自新西兰,15岁起入行,在澳大利亚开始模特生涯。杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 有着清澈的蓝色大眼睛和性感的厚嘴唇,笑起来非常可爱。2008年,CK(Calvin Klein) 创意总监Kevin Carrigan为了新CK广告四处发掘新人,当他看到澳大利亚时尚杂志《Frankie》的封面女郎杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 时,立即决定就是这个女孩了,他说:“杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 就是这个特别的女孩,她清新、美丽,充满能量。”15岁的杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 成为了幸运的CK女孩,从此进入了广阔的国际T台。2010年,杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 与DNA模特公司签约后,在9月份的纽约时装周上为CK (Calvin Klein) 走秀,这便是杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 在国际时尚舞台的首次亮相。之后在2011春夏伦敦时装周和米兰时装周上,杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 又为保罗·史密斯(Paul Smith) 、D、奇安弗兰科·费雷 (Gianfranco Ferre) 、璞琪(Emilio Pucci) 、菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo) 等品牌走秀。2011年,除了2月在纽约时装周上为马克·雅可布之马克 (Marc by Marc Jacobs) 走秀之外,杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 接到了国际头牌时尚杂志的片约,在《Vogue》杂志日本版的2011春夏特刊中,有杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 俏丽的身影。随后,杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 更是拿到了D的广告合同,与著名摄影师马里奥·特斯蒂诺 (Mario Testino) 合作。2011年11月,杰西卡·克拉克 (Jessica Clarke) 为著名的内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret) 一年一度的时尚内衣大秀走秀,成为新西兰第一个性感VS内衣名模。Jessica Roimata Clarke (born 1993) is a New Zealand fashion model of Māori descent. She began professionally modelling at the age of 15, and by 17 had appeared on the catwalks of Milan, Paris, New York and London.Fresh to New York she was the Calvin Klein exclusive at NY fashion week SS/10 and continued to walk with the likes of Marc by Marc, Giorgio Armani, Mulberry, Salvatore Ferragamo, Emilio Pucci, Lanvin, Elie Saab, Sonia Rykiel and Dolce & Gabbana . In fact she was shot by Mario Testino for D spring summer 2011 campaign. In 2011 she became the first New Zealander to model for Victoria's Secret, appearing in the brand's annual fashion show.BackgroundClarke who is now based in New York is originally from Palmerston North. She was a student at Palmerston North Girls' High School and won Miss Teen Manawatu in 2009.[5] She also played netball for her high school's senior team and was a Māori representative player.