黛博拉·斯特拉特曼导演 | 编剧
Deborah Stratman

黛博拉·斯特拉特曼,电影人、视觉艺术家。1967年生于美国芝加哥,现于芝加哥伊利诺伊大学任教。其作品风格游走于实验片与纪录片之间并着重强调人与自然的关系。Stratman的作品曾在世界多处电影节展映,并屡获殊荣。Deborah Stratman is a Chicago-based artist and filmmaker interested in landscapes and systems. Much of her work points to the relationships between physical environments and human struggles for power and control that play out on the land. Recent projects have addressed freedom, expansionism, surveillance, sonic warfare, public speech, ghosts, sinkholes, levitation, propagation, orthoptera, raptors, comets and faith. She has exhibited internationally at venues including MoMA NY, Centre Pompidou, Hammer Museum, Mercer Union, Witte de With, the Whitney Biennial and festivals including Sundance, Viennale, CPH/DOX, Oberhausen, Ann Arbor, Full Frame and Rotterdam. Stratman is the recipient of Fulbright and Guggenheim fellowships, a Creative Capital grant and an Alpert Award. She teaches at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
