猫眼电影 > Le petit Jacques
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Le petit Jacques


Noel Bambert, an honest workman, finds that his wife has been unfaithful to him and that her guilty associate is his best friend. Broken-hearted, he drives his wife from his house and all his love and care is now lavished on Little Jack, his son, a delicate and sensitive child. Losing interest in his work because of his domestic trouble he becomes careless and seriously injures his hand in a vise. Rendered incapable of work for a time he is reduced to the extremes of poverty. That Little Jack may have food, the father begs on the street, and one night through an open window sees murder being committed. He rushes over to prevent the tragedy, but arrives too late. The assassin has fled amid servants running into the room find Rambert only and seize him as the murderer and turn him over to the police. The real murderer. Mortal, who was driven to the crime by gambling debts, enjoys freedom from all suspicion.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900