猫眼电影 > 冰与火


Feuer und Eis
动作 / 冒险
1986-01-16西德上映 / 83分钟

Leonard Maltin makes the error of reviewing this as though it were a typical Hollywood film. It's not. It's a just a "ski film" aimed at an audience of skiers, and as such it's among the best of the genre. Willy Bogner may be best-known these days for his line of ski clothes, but even many skiers are unaware of his reputation as a world-class skier and ski filmmaker. His camerawork and skiing were behind many of the spectacular skiing stunts in the James Bond films. None of the performers in "Fire And Ice" are actors per se. But the cast is a virtual Who's Who of the freestyle ski world in the 1980's. Their on-snow antics combine with Bogner's cinematography to make this a visual treat. The plot, such as it is, serves merely to move the story along. Don't look for high drama here. Just sit back and enjoy some amazing skiing and stunning mountain photography.


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