猫眼电影 > Scoop III
IMDb 6.9

-“Scoop“ is a 52-episode (45-minute, in four seasons) Quebec television series created by Fabienne Larouche and Réjean Tremblay and aired from January 8, 1992 to April 6, 1995 on Télévision de Radio-Canada. “Scoop“ is set in the universe of a major daily newspaper in Montreal (Canada), 'L'Express'. It follows the activities of the various people involved in news production, including journalists and personalities of the moment. They include ambitious journalist Stéphanie Rousseau (Macha Grenon), daughter of the newspaper's owner (Claude Léveillée), bureau chief Lionel Rivard (Rémi Girard), ambitious journalist Michel Gagné (Roy Dupuis), clumsy journalist Richard Fortin (Martin Drainville) and labour union president Léonne Vigneault (Francine Ruel).


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