猫眼电影 > Outlanders Limited Draw
Outlanders Limited Draw海报封面图

Outlanders Limited Draw

综艺 / 真人秀
2011-12-19美国开播 / 22分钟

An Outlander is someone who feels more at home in the wild than in a fast paced urban setting. Outlanders is about showcasing and sharing with the world many of the everyday outdoorsmen and women we never hear of or get to see. It's about bringing real everyday outdoorsmen and women out of the living room and sharing their experiences with the rest of us, and rewarding those experiences. It's about bringing you..the audience of outdoor television, into the spotlight and giving you some control over what you want to see and how you want to see it. In short it's a show for the people, by the people. It's not about wining, it's about rewarding those who share real honest outdoor experiences with us, and letting you have a voice in what you think is good. It's about getting back to what is real in the outdoors. One episode will be awarded many great prizes based off of what you vote as being the most enjoyable episode. It's about the experience...not the result. It's not what you do, It's...


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