猫眼电影 > 卫星的故事


The Satellite Story
2007英国上映 / 60分钟

BBC电视台为庆祝首颗人造卫星升空50周年推出记录片《卫星的故事》,50年前当苏联成功发射"斯普特尼克"1号,历史就在那一天——1957年10月4日改变。这颗卫星的发射开辟了人类政治、军事、技术和科学发展的新时代,标志着太空时代的来临。本片讲述了卫星如何影响我们生活的方方面面。 间谍卫星、GPS全球卫星定位系统改变了军事。商业通讯卫星使得通讯发生了彻底的改变,卫星改变了我们对气候的理解,拯救了无数的生命。哈勃则改变了我们对宇宙的理解。有了卫星,这个世界现在更小,更安全,更易被了解。 History, Science, Technology Documentary with Sir Patrick Moore and published by BBC in 2007 - English narration Celebrating Sputnik, 50 years on First Broadcast: 2007-dec-02 - BBC4 - 21:00 Fifty years ago Sputnik was launched by the Russians, and the space age dawned. Starting with the jubilation, fear and panic that accompanied the launch of "The Red Moon", this documentary explores how satellites have now affected almost every aspect of our lives. Spy satellites and GPS (global positioning system) have transformed the military. Communications have been revolutionised, with Telstar, the first commercially-launch satellite, even becoming an international celebrity. Satellites have revolutionised our understanding of our climate, saving countless lives. Hubble, so nearly a disaster, went on to change the way we understand our universe. Thanks to satellites, the world is now a smaller, safer, and better understood place.

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