猫眼电影 > Sexy American Idle
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Sexy American Idle


Northeast Westover is putting on a splashy talent competition to end all talent competitions. Hosted by the obnoxious duo Neil and Bob and lorded over by a panel of delectable judges (Julian Wells and Anoushka) and drunken British rocker Glitter Bolan, all manners of bizarre personalities, inept acts and talentless hacks are encouraged to take the stage to do what they do worst! In the midst of the carnival atmosphere and dog-eat-dog competition, there's more than ample time for the luscious and promiscuous hopefuls (Misty Mindae, Darian Caine, AJ Khan) to discover where their true talents lie. They can't carry a tune or dance a lick, but these gorgeous women know how to "perform," and it makes for Reality TV at its uncensored best.

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