猫眼电影 > Juan Meisen has died
Juan Meisen has died海报封面图

Juan Meisen has died

2016-04阿根廷上映 / 82分钟

Set in Puerto Madryn and far from whale watches, this first feature presents a carefree generation of locals living the day-to-day, without many projects ahead of them. With a cast that combines professional and non-professional actors, the film, which stands out for the way it's directed, tells of the different interpersonal relationships among a group of friends: their romances, jealousy, competitiveness, courtships, fights and disappointments, articulating great moments of humor -built from some memorable dialogue- with others of a sharp tone, in which a critical point of view appears to reflect on serious generational and contextual issues. Consistent with the perspective brought forward throughout its narrative, and as the title foreshadows, Juan, the young protagonist, will face a dramatic outcome.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900