猫眼电影 > 一切安好 第一季
一切安好 第一季海报封面图

一切安好 第一季

Five by Five Season 1
电视剧 / 剧情
2017-03-27英国开播 / 5分钟
IMDb 6.2

Idris Elba stars in BBC Three’s five by five, a series of short films from new writers, featuring new and established on-screen talent working side by side. Set in London, the five standalone films feature chance encounters between characters which question identity and change perceptions. Five writers. Five characters. One story. In a city of millions, teenager Ash is lost. He wants to be the big man, but reality doesn’t quite deliver. A chance encounter leads him to make a dangerous decision, starting a chain reaction that plays out across these five connected short films.

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