猫眼电影 > 根信


1992-08-01韩国上映 / 88分钟

SYNOPSIS Seok-bom and his wife, Yeon-ok, live a secluded life in a hut by the ocean. Seok-bom makes woodcarvings. One day, Yeon-ok is praying to the phallic god for a child when she is swallowed by the ocean and killed. Afterwards, bad lucks continues as all the men of the village except for Bong-keun is killed in a boating accident. Every day, the widows visit Seok-bom's hut where he is carving a phallic god. Bong-keun had been crippled in an accident. So his wife, Sun-deok, goes to pray for his recovery every day to the phallic god. Bong-keun misinterprets his wife's actions. Soon, his doubts are put to rest by Seok-bom and Bong-keun and his wife are happy again. Seok-bom follows his wife and throws himself into the ocean. In memory of the couple, the village holds a rite in their name. 故事 荚是从海滩小屋妻子seokbeom炼狱的隐居刻是想死,我阴茎神为了有一个孩子在海浪卷走。然后在镇上死都在同一个街区bonggeun除非渔船事故的男人倒霉叠加。安卡附近的四处游荡seokbeom细化namgeunseok为他死去的妻子每天晚上的小屋。残废的事故bonggeun妻子顺德deurideon球上namgeunseok愈合收到意想不到的误会。松开左右bonggeun的bonggeun seokbeom解决后顾之忧误解投身沿着妻子大海。在居委会,做缝合放弃自己要求的情侣。


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