猫眼电影 > 铁怒沿线:荜路蓝缕


2011中国香港上映 / 120分钟

建高鐵,拆菜園,O九年村民經過經歷大大小小的請願遊行、引發反高鐵抗爭、包圍立法會,滿懷希望「不遷不拆」。一O年初春,高鐵撥款還是通過了。農曆新年,村民都在大小會議中一起渡過,問題來了:是繼續堅持不遷不拆?或轉向其他選擇?輾轉反側,瞻前顧後,最後痛下決定:規劃新村,農業復耕! 三月,菜園村生態社區營造工作室開始運作,村民和支援者四處尋覓適合建村的土地。期間,抗爭仍沒完沒了--耕了大半生的田,政府卻要你人證明自己是個農夫才發復耕牌,不發復耕牌,又不可以建屋……外面的人還以為大家賺了大錢,甚至還以為政府已一手包辦買地起屋!?村民有苦自己知,甜酸苦辣、進退維谷、忑忑忐忐,為的是保持原有耕住合一、大家庭社區、老有所養、動植物共存的生活模式 。 O九沒有花開的龍眼,於一零年果實纍纍。在這艱難的日子,什麼讓村民可以一起走下去? Choi Yuen Village, a village threatened by the Expressrail. In 2009 villagers went through countless demonstrations and petitions, which triggered the Anti-expressrail movement at the end of 2009. Thousands of citizens surrounded the Legco to stop the budget from passing; all villagers only wanted their village to survive. In early spring 2010, the budget finally passed. The following Chinese New Year was not easy for the villagers, they had to decide whether they want to abandon the old village or not. At last, they come to the conclusion to accept the offer of land rehabilitation scheme and rebuild a new village together. In March, Choi Yuen Eco-community Building Studio was founded in assistance of building of the new village. Villagers and volunteers went on searching for land in Pat Heung together. For the time being, the struggle was not over, villagers still need to fight for the qualification of the rehabilitation scheme, which meant they needed to prove they are farmers. Finding of new land, planning the future new village together, all needed the hard work of the villagers. People in the general public still misunderstood the situation of the villagers, always thought they got a lot of compensation, the government would buy the land and build the new village for them, etc. All these bitter-sweet moments, all the hardship and quarrels and all the emotions of the villagers, they were all in for continuing their original life style. The Longan Trees that didn't bear any fruits in 2009 blossomed and fruited lavishly in 2010. In this difficult time, what can keep villagers go together all the way long?

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