猫眼电影 > 世界冒险之旅:新西兰之旅


Adventures With Purpose New Zealand

Take a breathtaking tour of New Zealand's natural beauty in high definition. Visit Mount Aspiring National Park, ice climb on the Franz Josef Glacier and spend a night in an environmentally friendly ecolodge. Plus, whale-watch in Kaikoura, visit vibrant Wellington, beautiful bird-friendly Kapiti Island and sacred Cape Reinga. Along the way, join explorer Richard Bangs on a journey to uncover the modern-day meaning of the ancient concept of Kaitiaki-tanga, or the view that humans are the earthly guardians of the planet, and see how this practice of environmental caretaking is finding new popularity in New Zealand. Experience Switzerland's majestic alpine beauty like never before in high definition. Visit Lucerne, and go to Bernese Oberland, often called one of the most beautiful places in the world, before heading to St. Moritz to take the Glacier Express up, up, up to Zermatt. Go on a hair-raising gondola ride in the Swiss Alps, explore caves and try hay soup. Then, see one of the tallest peaks in the Alps ? and the deadliest ? the Matterhorn. Experience the rapture of this dangerous mountain as you join explorer Richard Bangs on an unforgettable journey to discover what true adventure travel is all about in Switzerland. 作家兼纪录片导演理查德?邦斯(Richard Bangs')走遍世界把最美的风光以示范级音画呈现给您--《高清风光试机碟--世界冒险之旅》6BD套装,理查德?邦斯(Richard Bangs')是美国著名作家和纪录片导演,他热衷于到世界各地旅行并且把自己旅行的足迹用高清摄影机纪录下来,并书写一部《世界之旅》的畅销书,本辑节目精选了瑞士、印度、埃及、新西兰、挪威和摩洛哥涵盖了欧洲、非洲、亚洲和大洋洲最有风光人文特色的几 个国度,将最美丽的风光和最神秘的风土人情以高清的影像呈献给您!

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