猫眼电影 > 美丽王国


La fiera y la fiesta
2019-07-11阿根廷上映 / 90分钟
IMDb 5.5

琼·路易斯·乔尔奇(1947-2000)是多米尼加的一位电影制片人,也是一部充满情欲和越轨作品的作者。这部电影既献给这位无名英雄——世界上大多数人都不知道,但在他的祖国受到尊敬——也全心全意融入他的宇宙。 上了年纪的朋克天后维拉来到圣多明各,为她挚爱的朋友让-路易斯-乔 尔奇导演了一部未完成的作品:一部名为《火热与狂欢》的音乐电影。欢迎她的还有另外两位老朋友,制片人Víctor和摄影师Martín。这三人年轻时的黄金岁月是作为一个艺术团在一起的。加入他们的是亨利,维拉的忠实编舞。随着准备工作的进行和拍摄开始在众多迷人的社交聚会,冲突和死亡也开始蔓延到闹鬼的生产。 劳拉·阿米莉亚·古兹姆·恩和以色列第七任董事会成员的合作,充满了活泼的热带气氛,是一个大胆的创造性的思考,对衰老过程和肉身的乐趣。 Jean-Louis Jorge (1947-2000) was a Dominican filmmaker and the author of a sensual and transgressive body of work. This film is both dedicated to this unsung hero - unknown to most of the world but revered in his home country – and wholeheartedly embedded in his universe. Aging punk diva Vera arrives in Santo Domingo to direct her beloved friend Jean-Louis Jorge’s unfinished project: a musical film entitled ‘La fiera y la fiesta’. Welcoming her are two other old friends, Víctor, the producer, and Martín, the cinematographer. The trio spent the golden years of their youth together as an artistic troupe. Joining them is Henry, Vera’s loyal choreographer. As preparations get under way and shooting commences amidst numerous glamorous social gatherings, conflict and death also begin to creep up on the haunted production. Pervaded by a libidinous tropical atmosphere, Laura Amelia Guzmán and Israel Cárdenas’ seventh directorial collaboration is a boldly inventive meditation on the ageing process and the pleasures of the flesh.

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