猫眼电影 > 即兴在途


综艺 / 演唱会
2019-04-16中国大陆开播 / 21分钟

在两次成功战胜癌症后,CAN乐队前任主唱、Krautrock传奇音乐人Damo Suzuki开启了他的首次中国巡演——“我感觉就像回家了一样,回到一个我两三千年前生活过的地方。”这位日本出生的摇滚巫师如此形容他2018年的中国之旅。 去年十月,Subtropical Asia亚热团队受大福唱片之邀,荣幸跟拍了Damo 的这次中国巡演。影片制作过程中,每每重听与Damo的深度对话、细品与他相处的细节,都会感受到强烈的启发——我们意识到,这并不会是一部简单的仅跟巡演有关的纪录片,它还讲述了Damo Suzuki这个全球游历50载的世界主义者的个人哲学和生活方式,倒不如说,这会是一部关于新的旅程、独立创造性与如何活在当下的纪录片。 After beating cancer, the legendary Damo Suzuki, former singer of krautrock band Can, embarks on his first ever China tour. “Coming home after 3000 years” says the Japan-born rock shaman. Last October, Subtropical Asia was invited by DAFU records to make a documentary about Damo's China tour. During the production process, everytime we listened the dialogue with Damo or recalled every detail of getting along with him, we would feel a strong inspiration——we realized that it's not a documentary only related to the tour only,it also tells the personal philosophy and lifestyle of Damo Suzuki, a cosmopolitan which has traveled 50 years around the world.So we would say it's a documentary about new beginnings, creative independence and the magic of being in the present.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900