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Y En Cada Lenteja Un Dios
2018-09-24西班牙上映 / 94分钟

路易斯,一个生活在马德里的编剧,即将有一个女儿,回到他的家乡科森塔纳,周围是阿利坎特山脉。他打算帮助他的弟弟纪子和他的表弟阿尔贝托写一本关于他们家餐馆的美食的书:L'escaleta,这家餐馆刚刚获得了两位米其林星级,并被列为西班牙和葡萄牙的25家最佳餐厅之一。他们一起开始了一次情绪化的烹饪之旅,持续了整整一年,因为写这本书的梦想慢慢变成了现实。而且,尽管路易丝的探索有助于他与人民团聚,但观看者能够观察到在一家两星级米其林餐厅后面的真实生活,这家餐厅由一个忠诚的家庭创建,他们总是对自己的工作充满热情,并决心为人们提供最好的自己。 Luis, a scriptwriter who lives in Madrid and who is about to have a daughter, returns to his native village of Cocentaina surrounded by the mountains of Alicante. He intends to help his brother Kiko and his cousin Alberto write a book about the cuisine of their family restaurant: L’Escaleta, which has just received two Michelin stars and is listed among the 25 best restaurants in Spain and Portugal. Together they embark on an emotional culinary trip that lasts for a whole year as the dream of writing the book slowly turns into reality. And, while Luis’s quest helps him to reunite with his people, the viewer is able to observe the real life goings-on behind a two-star Michelin restaurant created by a devoted family who are always passionate about their work and determined to offer people the best of themselves.

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