猫眼电影 > 三少年



影片講述了一個關於迷失少年成長的故事。活在淆亂家庭,混跡于少年江湖的小峰;渴望父母疼愛而內心孤僻的小星;沉溺遊戲,由年邁爺爺管制的小剛和一位德高望重、勤儉持家的女教師。當三少年與女教師命運交集的最後一刻,一場血案毫無征兆地發生了…… The film tells a story about how lost young teenagers growing up. Living in the family chaos, Xiao Feng spends his time in the young brotherhood. Xiao Xing thirsts for parents' love and feels lonely; Raised by his old grandfather, Xiao Gang indulges himself in computer games; A female teacher of noble character and high prestige. When three young teenagers meet the female teacher, the fate of the last moment: a murder occurred without warning.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900