猫眼电影 > 为土地而走


Walking for Country
2015澳大利亚上映 / 19分钟

《为土地而走》纪录了澳洲当地极为独特的反核行脚活动。这场一年一度的行动聚集了全澳洲以及从世界各地来的民众、环境运动者们,以长达一个月的行脚活动,穿越沙漠与旷野,探访铀矿开采预定地与在地原住民部落,聆听当地的历史、故事与族人心声,并以野营的方式认识原住民的传统领域,体验人与人、人与自然、土地深刻相连的生活方式。 《为土地而走》在当地语言称作“WALKATJURRA WALKABOUT”,同时是西澳洲原住民族旺卡的重要庆典,藉其展现当地原住民族坚持反对铀矿开采长达四十多年的坚毅力量,并在原住民耆老的带领、青年与孩子的参与下,持续传递旺卡贾的传统精神。 WALKING FOR COUNTRY is a documentary on WALKATJURRA WALKABOUT – a celebration of Wangkatja country and a testament to the strength of the community who have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie, Western Australia for over forty years. This annual Walk enables people from all parts of the globe to come together to share our commitment to a sustainable future without nuclear. It is a chance to reconnect with the land, and to revive the tradition of walking for country, with the Indigenous elders of the land.

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