猫眼电影 > A Seat at the Table
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A Seat at the Table

2019新西兰上映 / 100分钟

From a seminal moment in the late 70s to the development of fine sauvignon blancs, pinot noirs, and chardonnays, the directors take us through the Kiwi wine renaissance, in which venerable French traditions have been married to agricultural innovation. There’s a gentle polemical edge to A Seat at the Table: the filmmakers’ thesis is that New Zealand wines can stand with the best in the world, and they’re willing to put it to the (taste) test… The movie’s subject matter may call out to oenophiles, but there’s much here to please the casual viewer as well. The filmmaking is both polished and brisk, the tone is genial, and the visual elements are lovely.

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