猫眼电影 > 托斯卡纳的夏天


Ein Sommer in der Toskana
2019-04-28德国上映 / 90分钟

Fashion reporter Laura Hansen's research in Tuscany, accidentally reveals that her late mother Gloria, who spent holidays in Prato for 25 years, had a secret adulterous affair in Lucca with surviving local gentleman Emanuele della Torre. Laura falls in love with business attorney Alessandro della Torre, before realizing he's Emanuele's son and works for an Italian luxury-label that exploits thousands of Chinese sweatshop laborers selling "made in Italy" without European labor conditions, as if her mother's secret weren't enough complications, yet lets them be drawn into a web of deceit. 條目創建及翻譯:tvxqmilk星夜桐影 時尚記者蘿拉·漢森(Laura Hansen)在托斯卡納的研究意外發現,她已故的母親格洛莉亞(Gloria)在普拉托(Prato)度假了25年,在盧卡(Lucca)與一個當地紳士埃曼紐·德拉·托雷(Emanuele della Torre)有段秘密的姦情。 蘿拉愛上了商業律師亞歷山德羅·德拉·托雷(Alessandro della Torre),還不知道他是埃曼紐的兒子,他為一家意大利奢侈品牌工作,該公司剝削數千名中國勞工,並打著「義大利製造」的標籤,而實際上並未使用任何歐洲勞工。彷彿母親的秘密不夠複雜一樣,讓它們陷入欺騙的網絡中。

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