美国彩色立体宽银幕故事片《枪手哈特》是我国进口的第一部立体影片。影片故事情节并不复杂,主要讲述男主角的女友被强盗掠走,男主角勇闯魔窟英雄救美的故事,典型的西部个人英雄主义路线,在八十年代这种题材虽陈旧,但影片的立体技巧摄影是很成功的,电影中的很多景物都迎面朝观众冲来,人们可以在立体影院里经受另一种艺术享受。影片《枪手哈特》场面宏大格斗火爆,其中许多立体特技镜头可令观众大饱眼福。was born in 1977, and this movie was my first experience with 3d. I went with my brother (3 years older) and my dad. My dad was reading the paper and saw 3d, and he just had to take his two young sons. I was only 11 or 12, but I remember the theater guy trying to talk my dad out of it, because I think it was R, or maybe just the violence. I remember thinking it was cool, but really now only remember a scene where a topless old time prostitute shakes her boobs at the screen. And no, my dad didn't take away our glasses when that scene appeared, although I thought for sure that he would. I was reading the other comments, and know I vaguely remember arrows being shot at us and one scene where multiple knives where thrown. Man, am I glad for the internet, I have been trying to find this title for years. Maybe one day Ill take my kids.立体电影是由苏联青年工程师西姆扬·伊凡诺夫发明的。一九四七年在莫斯科放映了他亲自拍摄制作的第一部立体故事片《鲁滨逊漂流记》,观众为立体电影而惊呼,甚为轰动。从此各国都相继拍摄了立体电影。我国在六十年代初拍摄了第一部立体电影故事片,由陈强主演的《 魔术师的奇遇》。立体电影根据双眼视觉原理,用两个并列的镜头,对同一物体同时摄取两个影象,然后将这个略呈偏差的影象同时放映在银幕上,并使观众的左右眼睛分别看到其中相应的一个影象,由视神经传至大脑叠合在一起,即产生了立体感。在我国目前放映的立体电影有两种。一种是要戴眼镜(红、绿眼镜或是 偏光眼镜)看的;一种不用眼镜、而由光栅银幕来产生立体感。
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