猫眼电影 > 如果我是你


Se Fossi In Te

三位對自己現況不滿的人仕: Andrea對本身家庭不滿意, Bebo是個怒氣沖沖的跨國公司商人, Christian是個工作順利但財務上仍是破產的DJ, 在偶然一個機遇下共同醉倒在海灘上. 當每個人都希望能得到另一人之身份與生活環境時, 奇蹟產生了. Three very different men are accidentally brought together for a drunken night on the beach. Andrea is an unfulfilled family man, Bebo is an angry corporate businessman, and Christian is a nice yet broke DJ. When each one wishes to be in another's place, they magically switch identities. Bebo gets Andrea's life, where he approaches his wife and kids. Christian gets Bebo's life, where he finally has enough money. However, problems come up and they miss their old lives, causing them to reevaluate their initial wishes.

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