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Your Beautiful Cul de Sac Home

Although having a promising future in the profession, Ben McCleary, disillusioned with it, sabotages his law career by purposefully failing the bar exam - three times - which results in him quitting his law job, needing to pay back the signing bonus with the firm, and without money forcing him to go back and live with his parents in the home in which he grew up in the suburbs. Based on advice from his high school friend Frances Churchill, the two who with Trevor Brinkman were known as the revolutionaries in high school, Ben decides his new career is going to be in environmentally sound lawn mowing. When that doesn't pan out due to lack of demand, Church reminds Ben of a manifesto he and Trevor wrote in high school which can enhance the strategy. The house and the car are not the status symbols of the suburbs, but rather the perfect lawn. Thus, in taking over the world, one only needs to take over the lawns.

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