猫眼电影 > 自由浮动


Свободное плавание
喜剧 / 爱情
2006-06-10俄罗斯上映 / 101分钟

一部非常精彩的俄罗斯幻想喜剧,获2007年度俄罗斯奥斯卡(尼卡奖)最佳电影等四项提名。值得一提的是,这电影还是第63届威尼斯地平线单元的参选电影(“马背上的法庭”得地平线单元最佳电影那届)。 剧情英文简介: "Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an ordinary provincial town like many in Russia, with just one kindergarten, one school, one factory. As a result, one grows up here never facing the alternative as to what to choose, for everything is preordained. Leonid is an ordinary lad who, like his peers, goes to discos, dances with girls and picks fights with the local riff-raff later. Everything is going well for him, as his life is totally predictable. But one day the factory closes down and he becomes disoriented. For the first time ever, he is to make a choice on his own and think seriously about what he would like to do... His life begins to develop as he encounters a chain of different people. Leonid starts looking for a job and finds several without much effort, each apparently promising and offering a world of its own. But for different, seemingly haphazard, reasons Leonid won't stick to any job he seems initially attracted to. He only stays as an apprentice in a brigade of road workers, as the brigade-leader Roslov seems an affable and even extraordinary man. Yet, the idol turns out to be a virtuoso crook who cons everybody around him and does not shy away from stealing and doing illegal business. Leonid tries to oppose this semi-criminal, proving himself a hero. To punish him, Roslov and his brigade beat him within an inch of his life. And he loses yet another job... Leonid's search for his life's work is combined with his first love. He comes across his former classmate nicknamed Piggy, and the first romance in their lives flares up - and flickers out in the sudden coming of autumn. Summer, love, and job are all gone, and Leonid is almost in despair. But one day a quaint barge with wheels and a drive from an old tractor turns up out of nowhere and takes Leonid away from this town. Here on board of this homemade tub he works for peanuts by the riverside but he has finally succeeded in finding his life's work and acquiring real friends.

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