猫眼电影 > 花园


The Garden
IMDb 7.3

本片讲述了一个洛杉矶社区花园发生的故事。一个14英亩社区花园,现在推土机威胁着它的未来。 本片获得第81届奥斯卡最佳纪录长片奖提名。 From the ashes of the L.A. riots arose a lush, 14-acre community garden, the largest of its kind in the United States. Now bulldozers threaten its future. The 14 acre community garden in South Central Los Angeles was the largest of it's kind in the United States. It was started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992. Since that time, the South Central Farmers have created a miracle in one of the country's most blighted neighborhoods. Growing their own food. Feeding their families. Creating a community. But now bulldozers threaten their oasis. The Garden is an unflinching look at the struggle between these urban farmers and the City of Los Angeles and a powerful developer who want to evict them and build warehouses.

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