猫眼电影 > 如果你怕风


Si le vent te fait peur
2009-10比利时上映 / 83分钟

An ambitious Degelin distinguished himself on several occasions; particularly at Cannes Festival in 1960 where his first feature film received public acclaim. In Si le vent te fait peur siblings Claude and Pierre have an ambiguous relationship, verging on the incestuous - against a background of the then bare, almost lunar, landscape of the Belgian North coast. With a literary, stylistic approach and stiff dialogue, this psychological drama by director Emile Degelin addresses the normally taboo subject of incest in a round-about way. Claude and Pierre (Elisabeth Dulac and Guy Lesire) are brother and sister yet it is apparent early on that they are physically attracted to each other. In order to suborn their feelings they enter into relationships with others but nothing they do seems to work - they are always drawn back to their same fatal attraction.

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