猫眼电影 > 康拉德-斯蒂勒的突然孤独


Die plötzliche Einsamkeit des Konrad Steiner
1976-10-22瑞士上映 / 103分钟

Konrad Steiner (Sigfrit Steiner) has worked all his life, never taking a single vacation. When his wife dies, the old gentleman cremates her and continues working, though he should have retired long ago. His son tries to get him to move in with him, far away from everything familiar to him. When he receives an eviction notice from his landlord, he fights back with the help of a sympathetic social worker, but is soon left with the option of an Old Age Home or the struggle to live independently on his few savings. However, he still has some fight left in him, and makes a surprising choice. Swiss filmmaker Kurt Gloor is best-known in his country and the rest of the German-speaking world for his documentary accounts of Swiss life and social problems. He also made the occasional fictional feature, including Die Ploetzliche Einsamkeit des Konrad Steiner (The Sudden Loneliness of Konrad Steiner) (1976) and Mann ohne Gedachtnis (1984), which won three awards at that year's Berlin International Film Festival.

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