猫眼电影 > 我并不孤独


I Know I'm Not Alone
2005-01-28美国上映 / 95分钟
IMDb 7.9

迈克尔·弗兰提是世界著名的音乐家、诗人和活动家。他怀着开阔的心胸,抱着吉他,与一队朋友一起游至中东去探索人类为战争付出的代价。 这部记录片捕捉到了人性的美好图景和战争带来的可怕毁灭,音乐的蒙太奇和电影配乐贯穿迈克尔·弗兰提的纪录片始终。 因为它的艺术性和使用原生素材的编辑技术,这部记录片不同于业界许多新闻和政治题材的影片。它把旅途的风景带到观众眼前,并让观众有机会能聆听普通人的心声——他们艰难地生活在严酷坎坷的、充满战争的环境中。 对巴格达的第一印象,是严重地缺乏安全,没有电,没有清水,而且到处都是被轰炸的楼房。迈克尔和他的朋友们惊喜地发现他们受到了仁慈善良的伊拉克家庭和年轻人的欢迎,还有美国驻军都想要分享他们的故事,听音乐和跳跳舞。 Michael Franti, world-renowned musician, poet and activist, travels to the Middle East to explore the human cost of war with a group of friends, an open heart and his guitar. The documentary captures beautiful imagery of humanity and the terrible destruction war brings, incorporating musical montages and a soundtrack written during and after the experience performed by Michael Franti. With its artistic film and editing techniques using raw production elements, the documentary is unlike the many informational and politically driven pieces in the marketplace, instead offering the audience a sense of journey and the opportunity to hear the voices of everyday people living with the harsh conditions of war and occupation. First impressions of Baghdad are the tremendous lack of security, no electricity, no clean water and an immense amount of bombed buildings, Michael and the group are pleasantly surprised as they are welcomed with generosity and kindness by everyone from proud Iraqi families and youth, to US Occupation Forces all wanting to share their stories, hear the music and just dance.


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