猫眼电影 > 搭档


1987-06-17 01:00法国上映 / 86分钟

Mortez (Rochefort) is a famous ageing radio game host who spend his life on the road, going from town to town for his show, with his younger sidekick Rivetot (Jugnot). The show is their whole life, until the radio station decides to cancel it... "Tandem" is a tragedy, a comedy, a road-movie and a tale in the same package. The background manages to be both hyperrealistic (it depicts a gloomy provincial life and is inspired by a real game show that still exists today) and fantastic (surreal events abound, like the mysterious red dog Rivetot keeps seeing). Rochefort is simply great as the charming but obsessive Mortez who will never surrender. Jugnot, as the subdued sidekick that has trouble living without his mentor, delivers a strong performance far from his usual slapstick roles. Both make a heartbreaking, unforgettable tandem and the movie is one of the masterpieces of the 80's. 热拉尔·.朱诺 法国影坛最优秀的男演员之一, 1984年凭借影片《警察皮诺》(Pinot Simple Flic)而名声大燥,成为法兰西最知名的“警察”演员。在法国本土,具有非常强的票房号召力。 热拉尔·.朱诺-----作品集 2004年7月14日,法国总统雅克-希拉克授予其“荣誉骑士”称号 1998年 因影片《玛特》(Marthe)荣获恺撒最佳男配角提名 1992年 因影片《大时代》(Une époque formidable)荣获恺撒最佳男演员提名 1988年 因影片《搭档》(Tandem)荣获恺撒最佳男演员提名


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