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Malon 9 Kochavim
2007-10-08中国大陆上映 / 18分钟
IMDb 7.3

在以色列占领的地区,成千上百的巴勒斯坦人从事着非法的建筑工作。他们携带装满衣物的包裹,历经艰险,穿山越岭地寻找有工作的地方。晚上他们就在山顶上破旧不堪的棚屋和像棺材一样的简陋睡棚中过夜。这一情景与他们日益建筑的豪华大厦形成鲜明对比。但是他们已为自己建造家园,他们因拥有柔软的枕头和自己拼凑的电池能发电而心满意足。 在本片中,导演的镜头着重表现了巴勒斯坦建筑工人阿赫曼德和穆罕默德,他们一个乐于收集能找到的各种小玩意,一个则是对巴勒斯坦人性格的达观的批判者。他们二人在一起共享食物、物品和故事。他们如惊弓之鸟,生活在不断的恐惧之中,害怕被以色列警察、战士和反非法佣工便衣们拘捕。导演跟踪拍摄,向我们展示了最真实的画面,最真切的生活。在匆忙仓促却又令人感伤的镜头下,我们见证友谊、乡愁和生活的残酷。 In Israel's occupied territories, thousands of Palestinians work illegally as construction laborers. After an arduous and dangerous journey, loaded with blankets and bags, they cross the hills to the places where they can find employment. At night they sleep on the hillcrests in improvised huts and coffin-like sleeping cubicles, a stark contrast to the luxury apartment complexes they build by day. But they have made homes for themselves, complete with cozy pillows and even power generated by batteries they have scraped together. In 9 Star Hotel, the filmmakers follow Ahmed and Muhammad, one a merry collector of found objects, the other a philosophical criticaster of the Palestinian character ("We think backward. We never think forward."). Together, they share food, belongings and stories, and live under the constant threat of getting arrested - police, soldiers and the secret service are all tirelessly on the alert for illegal workers. With raw, handheld images, this disconcerting yet touching film documents friendship, nostalgia and the uncompromising urge to survive. 本片参加2007年第13届上海电视节评选,参评最佳社会类纪录片。

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