猫眼电影 > 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲


Kék Duna keringö

Year : 1991 Country : Hungary Genre : Drama Length : 1:29 Directed by : Miklós Jancsó Starring : György Cherhalmi, Jozsef Madarash, Ildiko Banshagi, Dorothy Udvarosh, András Kozak, Lajos Balazhovich, Istvan Kovacs. Description : Frankly, that I myself this film is not looking. plot is tied around the assassination of the Prime Minister. Interestingly, the movie websites waltz The Blue Danube is listed as a political thriller, and in the newspaper New York Times - and even as a very interesting political thriller, and is further characterized as a comedy. It is also interesting that this was an American film producer, and that there is no nudity, strange as it seems to Jancsó. Perhaps the two things somehow related. :-D On the film in English

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