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在Botelho的<想做美国总统的女人>(2003)和这部里选了很久,最后决定选这部成名作,其实两部都很幽默,他是葡萄牙当代最好的超现实喜剧片导演. Maybe the best Portuguese movie ever done, "Tráfico" is a sad, sad portrait of the modern Portugal and (if there is such a thing, since Portuguese mentality seems have not changed in 800 years), in spite of its sarcastic, even surrealistic mood, a very dark and dejected film, at least for Portuguese viewers. Very funny too (yet,with a kind of humor whose nuances risks sometimes to escape unnoticed by foreign ears), with some of the more sharp-witted sayings and situations I ever saw in cinema. The dialogue with the Portuguese culture it's ever present, making of it a movie that just can be fully understood by an autochton. Notwithstanding - don't miss this masterpiece.


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