猫眼电影 > 活着的世界


Le Monde vivant
IMDb 7.0

French filmmaker Eugène Green offers a playful but insightful variation on the mythos of a fairy tale in this comedy drama, in which a tale of brave knights and evil ogres is played in modern dress, with the actors speaking in contemporary slang. The Lion Knight (Alexis Loret) is a young nobleman who searches the countryside with his faithful lion companion (who happens to resemble a pet dog). The Lion Knight encounters youthful Nicolas (Adrien Michaux) while the lad takes a walk in the woods, and together they set off to find the Ogre (Arnold Pasquier), who holds young women against their will and lives by eating the flesh of young children. While the Lion Knight is hot on the Ogre's trail, Nicolas is visited by an apparition of the Maiden of the Chapel (Laurène Cheilan), who has been captured by the beast. The Maiden gives Nicolas an enchanted sword and orders him to use it to kill the Ogre; meanwhile, the Lion Knight has found the Ogre's lair, but soon falls in love with Pénélope, the monster's unexpectedly pretty and compassionate wife. Along the way, the characters also find the time to discuss the French legal system and the writings of philosopher Jacques Lacan. 以上为从amazon上的介绍 在这部童话般的故事中,年轻而富有冒险精神的尼古拉斯展开一段英雄般的旅程,结伴同行的是狮子骑士,以及他的狮子——这是一只看上去像猎犬而仍然会咆哮的狮子。 以上为emule上的介绍

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