猫眼电影 > 最后的挪威巨怪


The Last Norwegian Troll
动画 / 短片
2012-05-28瑞典上映 / 13分钟

曾经,挪威是毛毛怪趴趴走的乐园,如今青葱山林被水泥建筑取代,毛毛怪威风不再,还被臭山羊欺负,只剩可乐瓶相伴…… In the old days, Norway used to be a safe haven for Trolls, but not anymore. One day three young goats decide to get rid of an old Trol l who lives under a bridge. Little do they know that he is the last survivor of his species, the very last Troll of Norway...

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