猫眼电影 > 慈悲慈悲-真实的跨国收养


Mercy Mercy - Adoptionens pris
2012-11-26丹麦上映 / 94分钟
IMDb 7.3

当领养发展中国家的孩子不再是一种源自内心的举动,而成为了解决西方国家人口出生率低的一种产业,试问,初心仍在吗?影片为我们展现了一个联系着世界各地的故事。这一故事很好的诠释了什么是最善意的初衷却酿成了灾难性的后果。我们的镜头记录了来自不同国家的生父母和养父母,展现孩子与生父母在一起的最后时光,以及孩子跟养父母在西方世界开始新生活的最初四年里,发生的所有故事。 导演小传 KatrineW.Kjær1974年出生在丹麦。她拥有多媒体设计专业学位。从1999年起,她在纪录片和新闻领域从事导演和制片人,主要都是黄金时段的电视节目。她在阿富汗和非洲为丹麦广播电台和电视2台制作过很多节目。她的第一部纪录长片《慈悲啊慈悲》在阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节的新人长片竞赛单元进行了首映。 What happens when adoption turns into an industry with the aim to alleviate the western world's child-lessness, forgetting all about helping the children and families in the developing countries? The film is a global story about the catastrophic consequences of a choice made with the best intention. We follow an adoption from both sides of the globe, from the biological parents' last days with their children, through the adoption process and during the first four years of the adoptive parents' new life with the children in the West. Director Bio Born 1974, Denmark. She holds a degree in multimedia design. She has worked as director and pro-ducer of documentary and news productions since 1999, primarily for primetime TV. She has directed several productions in Afghanistan and Africa for the national broadcasters DR and TV 2. Her first long documentary "Mercy, Mercy" had its world premiere at IDFA's First Appearance Competition.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900