猫眼电影 > 不存在的航线:来自曼斯岛的电话


Nowhere Line: Voices from Manus Island
动画 / 纪录片 / 短片
2015-08-09澳大利亚上映 / 16分钟
IMDb 7.1

"影片讲述了两个男人被澳大利亚臭名昭著的曼斯岛离岸加工中心扣留的故事。2014年10月,导演卢卡斯·施兰克和那里能够跟外界保持联络的人进行了电话采访来讲述他们的故事。他们的采访让大众了解那些被关押在澳大利亚离岸拘留中心的2000人的现实生活。他们的故事就是电影的表达,镜头穿越雅加达的小巷,跨越大海,深入到被层层围住的曼斯岛区域加工中心内部。 Nowhere Line: Voices from Manus Island tells the stories of two men, currently detained in Australia's notorious Manus Island Offshore Processing Centre. In October 2014, director Lukas Schrank made phone contact with the men who were able to tell their stories from within the compound. Their interviews offer a chilling insight into the reality of life for the 2000 people currently being held in Australia's offshore detention centres. Their stories are the voice of the film, guiding the animation through the backstreets of Jakarta, across the sea and deep into the fenced facility of the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900