猫眼电影 > 死亡的荣誉


Le Prestige de la mort
喜剧 / 冒险
2006-11-17中国大陆上映 / 75分钟

Moullet, the jester of the Nouvelle Vague, plays an elderly director who is past his best. He comes up with a plan to breathe new life into his fame and status: under the motto 'speak no evil over the dead', he fakes his own death and adopts the identity of a dead tramp (whom he finds on a deserted Alp, typical for Moullet). The media does indeed take the bait — but only after Moullet has had to put his plan briefly on ice because his colleague Jean-Luc Godard dies... In his very own way, both film loving and comic, Moullet plays with the role of being director in the present film climate, in which the sun doesn't even shine on French veterans. The result is a masterfully weird snigger movie for connoisseurs and film lovers. 'This film was inspired by the basic idea of a film by Cecil B. DeMille, The Whispering Chorus (1918). But the theme I investigate here is very topical. The tone that was dramatic in the case of DeMille, is here more like a joke.' says Director Luc Moullet. 法國老牌導演路克.穆利親自演繹一名年老過氣的導演。他想到一個可以令自己的聲譽再次鹹魚翻生的方法:就是借格言〝不說死者的壞話〞的幫助。他偽造自己死亡的消息,並借用了一名已死的流浪漢的身份﹙他在山上找到這名流浪漢的屍體﹚。傳媒也真的受騙,只不過,在這之前,穆利必須先把自己的計劃暫時擱置,因為與他同輩的另一位導演尚盧.高達突然逝世…… 〝這部電影的創作靈感是來自西素.迪密爾 1918 年導演的《 The Whispering Chorus 》中的基本理念。但我在這裡所探討的主題卻是十分熱門的。迪密爾的影片的調子十分戲劇性,這裡則比較像一個笑話。〞── 路克.穆利

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