猫眼电影 > 经典专辑《Nevermind》


Classic Albums: Nirvana - Nevermind
纪录片 / 音乐
2005-01-15英国上映 / 74分钟
IMDb 7.9

There possibly isn't an album in history that is as genre defining as NIRVANA's "Nevermind." Released in 1991, it single-handedly was responsible for the birth of what became to be known as grunge and has gone on to sell over 8 million copies in the US alone. "Nevermind" was the second album from the Seattle trio and the first on the DGC label (it's predecessor "Bleach" was released on the Sub Pop label). It was produced by Butch Vig (also the drummer for the band Garbage) and mixed by Andy Wallace. Nirvana's surviving members Krist Novoselic (bass) and Dave Grohl (drums) talk candidly about their past, the recording of Nevermind and about Kurt Cobain and the legacy that he has left behind. Also featured are exclusive interviews with the likes of Garry Gersh (A&R DGC Records), Butch Vig, Jonathan Ponneman and Nils Bernstein (Sub Pop Records), Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), Jack Endino, and many more. Bonus features: Drain You - the story behind the making of the track. Going To Record In LA - The story behind why the band recorded Nevermind in LA. Dave Grohl Joins Nirvana - The story of how Dave Grohl came to join Nirvana. Polly (Live) - Polly live in concert. Nevermind - The Album Sleeve - The story of the album cover including interviews with the cover star. 这是一个记述涅盘(Nirvana)乐队当年录制经典唱片“不要在意”(Nevermind)过程的DVD。里面收录了许多涅盘(Nirvana)乐队当年录制那张唱片时的珍贵镜头,并对乐队的几名现存成员以及唱片的制作人,还有其他参与了当年唱片制作的唱片公司高层人士,工作人员等的就这张唱片的制作过程,内幕故事等进行了采访。 涅盘乐队的现存成员,贝司手Krist Novoselic,鼓手Dave Grohl,唱片的制作人Butch Vig,著名摇滚乐队音速青年的瑟斯登·莫(Thurston Moore),促成涅盘与DGC唱片公司签约的,前任DGC唱片公司的星探Gary Gersh,涅盘签约的第一家唱片公司-Sub Pop唱片公司的老板Jon Poneman,Nils Bernstein以及Jack Endino都对这张专辑的制作接受了采访。 这个DVD除了讲述当年“不要在意”(Nevermind)唱片的制作过程花絮,像乐队对从西雅图旁边的小镇搬到洛杉矶录制这张唱片的感受等等,还讲述了涅盘鼓手Dave Grohl当年加入涅盘的内幕故事(涅盘的第一任鼓手是dan Peters),以及唱片的经典封面与内页设计的产生过程。 DVD里面还收录了涅盘1991年现场表演Polly时的珍贵录象。

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