猫眼电影 > 铁怒沿线:菜园纪事



這是一條關於菜園村的片子,紀錄了O九年夏秋之間村民的生活。生活,眨時加進了每星期的村民大會及導賞團,大大小小的請願遊行,還有疑幻似真的政府 諮詢 會。眨時,要將自己前半生的歷史,甚至生活的意義展現出來。眨時,大眾市民認為反拆遷抗爭只是為錢的死結被少少鬆開。眨時,「農業」這兩個字少少出現在香 港人的眼前。(之後反高鐵抗爭、包圍立法會...) 不是最後,高鐵是要蓋了。一O年春夏之間 ,村民正在自己找地、買地、和政府周旋復耕的屋牌,重建家園,一切自己落手落腳。外面的人還以為大家拿了大錢,而且政府還會一手包辦買地起屋!?辛辛苦苦,為的是保持原有耕住合一、大家庭社區、老有所養、動植物共存的生活模式。 村民這份對生活及土地的感情由什麼來承載? This is a film about Choi Yuen Village which recorded villagers’ life between summer and autumn in 2009. New elements are slipping into their lives: meetings every week, guided tours with many visitors pouring into the village, petitions, demonstrations and government consultations which genuineness is in doubt. All of a sudden they need to tell “stories” of their life in the village of the past fifty years, and also the meaning of their life. The ever fixed conception of fiercer demonstration equals to wanting more money seems shakened. The long lost phrase “agriculture” also reappeared in the eyes of Hong Kong people. (After the end of the timeline shown in this film follows the climax of the anti-expressrail movement around the Legislative Council) Sadder still, the building of the expressrail is on the move. Between spring and summer in 2010, villagers move towards rebuilding the village with great difficulty. They face soaring land prices finding a new place for the village, they need to negotiate with the government everyday to try to get the license of rebuilding their home. Buying land, planning, building of infrastructure, processing of farm product are all problems villagers need to solve on their own. Public now have a false perception that the government has given them a huge sum of compensation and has planned everything for them. All their efforts from insisting on not leaving to rebuilding their homes are to live the way they want and protect their living standard. They want to live and farm in the same place, they want to live with their extended family, they want to live with their pets, they want their elderly to have a better live. What is going to bear the weight of this passion to life and to the land?

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