猫眼电影 > 关于城里的羊


纪录片 / 短片
2016-10-30中国大陆上映 / 40分钟

一对养羊的夫妇每天在城市周围放羊,政府为了盖楼房想把他们从平房赶走;一个修车的大爷每天在路边放disco,周围的居民投诉他扰民;一个男人养 了一只羊做宠物;一个打扮成羊模样的男子在城市周围游荡。几条线索相互交错,勾勒出一幅荒诞的城乡结合部图景。 A shepherd couple herd sheep around the city every day, while the government is trying to demolish their house in order to build new constructions.A bicycle repair man plays disco music on the street every day, while his neighborhood find him so disturbing. A man keeps a lamb as his pet. A man who dressed like a sheep wanders around the city. Several clues are interlaced to sketch a view of an absurd area.


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