猫眼电影 > 曾有你在的森林


2016-03-17中国大陆上映 / 68分钟

《曾有你在的森林》改编自日本小说《恋爱写真》,讲述一段关于青春回忆的爱情故事,在叙述两个人小清新故事的同时也充分展示了青岛大学的校园美。诚(宋云鹏 饰)是一个大一新生,他不愿参加学校的开学典礼而选择了在校园附近闲逛。他在马路旁遇到了里中思思(赵连姿 饰),她古怪的行径使 热爱摄影的诚忍不住按下了快门。自此思思喜欢上了诚,可诚只当她是朋友。随后他们成为了朋友,诚也喜欢上了同班的小芸(付好 饰)。他跟思思发现了一个环境优美的树林,因为喜欢诚的关系,思思也喜欢上摄影。思思要和诚一起参加摄影比赛,而她的作品就是拍下跟诚在森林接吻的画面。但是当天傍晚,思思却不辞而别…… 该剧将于2016年3月17日于青岛地区先行上映。 "Heaven Forest," he tells a love story about youth memories, in the narrative of the story of two people small fresh but also demonstrating the beauty of Qingdao University campus. Cheng (Song Yun Peng) is a freshman, he was reluctant to attend the opening ceremony of the school and the choice of wandering around the campus. He met Si Si on the roadside(Zhao Lian Zi), she acts so weird Cheng could not help but love photography pressed the shutter. Since Si Si loved Cheng, but only Cheng just regarded her as friend. Then they became friends, Cheng fell in love with classmate Xiao Yun (Fu Hao). He found a beautiful Forest with Si Si, because she like the relationship with Cheng, Si Si also liked photography. Si Si want to join the photo contest with Cheng, and her work is photographed kissing in a forest with Cheng. But at that evening, but Si Si disappeared......

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