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August Underground's Penance
2007-03-30美国上映 / 84分钟
IMDb 3.5

Has someone ever handed you a movie, not telling you one thing about it, only telling you to watch it. What if that tape was the personal home video of two sociopaths on a killing spree? This is their home movie, for their eyes-only. This is August Underground's PENANCE. The third and final film in the AU franchise Directed By Fred Vogel and Starring Cristie "Crusty" Whiles. PENANCE shows the dark decline of the two nameless killers from the previous films as they continue to videotape their madness on their path to destruction. This is the long awaited third and final film in the August Underground trilogy. Was this film worth the wait? Yes it was worth every fucking second. August Underground's Penance starts out as the other two films(August Underground and August Underground's Mordum) did by just showing you the every day life's of the two killers played by director Fred Vogel and the lovely Cristie(Crusty)Whiles. The killers are more brutal than ever, but all good things must come to a end. Penance being the third and final film shows the downfall of killers. If you are a fan of the other August Underground films you will absolutely eat this up. This is by far the goriest of the three, also probably the most realistic. Fred set out to make a film to shock us and he succeeded. The effects in the movie are extremely well done, Jeremy Cruise did an amazing job.

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