猫眼电影 > 稻米是如何炼成的


2013-01-23中国香港上映 / 120分钟

從2009年反高鐵、護菜園抗爭孕育出來的菜園村生活館,於2012年第二次種植稻米。本片紀錄了春茬及端午茬稻米種植過程,導演除了親身經歷風雨、暑熱等自然界的挑戰,還對同伴提問:在土地、人力資源貧乏的的時代過耕作生活,是怎樣的風景?本片除了紀錄非傳統的稻米種植技術,還有農夫與自然的關係,從對著政府抗爭,到站著土地種植,抗爭者的心理矛盾與心境轉變。導演將於2013年拍攝一套關於香港農民的劇情片,本片是他在2012年學習種植的紀錄。 Sangwoodgoon was founded in the Anti-High Speed Rail Movement and Tsoi Yuen Village Movement in 2009. In 2012, Sangwoodgoon tries cultivating rice for the second time. This film records the rice planting process in spring and Dragon Boat Festival. Not only did the director experience the unpredictable nature of weather, questions for his companion are raised at the same time: How is the life as a farmer in Hong Kong when there is shortage of land and labour? Apart from documenting the non-traditional rice cultivating techniques, the film also wants to discuss about the relationship between farmer and nature, and the changing state of mind of protestors all the way through. The director will film a feature regarding Hong Kong farmer in 2013, this work has documented his learning in farming in 2012.


    影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900