猫眼电影 > 直到死亡将你们分开


Bis daß der Tod euch scheidet

Scenes from an East German marriage. A young couple, Sonya and Jens, are very much in love; they get married and have a child. When Sonya wants to go back to work after her maternity leave, they clash for the first time; Jens insists that she remain a full-time wife and mother. Until Death Do Us Part turns an actual police report into a gripping drama, as the director explores the depths of his characters’ emotions, driving the conflict to a catastrophic climax. The film was the debut of Katrin Saß (Goodbye, Lenin! , 2003) and was directed by the internationally-known East German director Heiner Carow (The Legend of Paul and Paula , Coming Out , The Mistake).

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