猫眼电影 > 茨厂街黑社会


2011-05-12马来西亚上映 / 90分钟

一名泰国杀手受聘前来大马扰乱本地黑帮,杀手抵达吉隆坡后与警方和黑帮展开争斗,黑帮上下人心惶惶,不惜与警方联手缉拿该杀手。 《茨厂街黑帮》号称马来西亚本土电影中的最强动作片,片中紧张刺激的警匪飙车追逐战已达到香港警匪片的水准。片名Kongsi本意为“宗祠”,宗祠又称“公司 ” ,是各宗族聚会、祭祖的祠堂。茨厂街系马来西亚华人聚居地,宗祠林立,凭借宗祠凝聚而成的民间社团宗亲会亦是黑社会的起源,故早期黑社会大多以“某某公司”为名。如今“公司”一词已转而指商业组织,但马来西亚人仍习惯将黑社会称为Kongsi Gelap(黑公司),片名即来源于此。 The action-comedy directed by Farid Kamil, focuses on the investigation done by ASP Shariff (Fizo Omar) towards the killing of triad members in Kuala Lumpur. Various triad members are in shambles when they discover the presence of a hired killer Tumulak (Shaheizy Sam), who committed the killings to settle his debt. ASPs Shariff are unable to pinpoint who are to be blamed since the cunning Tumulak works alone. In truth, the crimes are masterminded by Kimpedu (Zul Handyblack), who hired Tumulak to stir the nest of the triads as Kimpedu plans to take control over Kuala Lumpur.

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