猫眼电影 > 所有人都离开


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剧情 / 家庭 / 儿童 / 历史
2015-04-23哥伦比亚上映 / 100分钟
IMDb 6.5

这部影片是根据古巴作家温迪·格拉的同名自传体小说拍摄,小说已被译成五种语言出版。故事发生在80年代,古巴遭受最糟糕的经济危机时期。小雪,一名8岁的古巴女孩,卷入了她父母争夺她抚养权的激烈争斗中。她的母亲伊娃,一个坚信无审查制度无独裁主义改革的自由艺术家,改嫁给了丹,一个在核电厂做建筑工作的瑞典人。小雪的生父马努埃尔,一个住在偏远小城市,埋头奉献给革命,写木偶剧剧本谋生的农民作家。孩子在父母离婚后,成为了被争夺的对象,也成为了革命,政治,意识形态冲突的牺牲品。而母爱,是否能拯救无辜的女孩呢? The movie is based on the autobiographical novel of the same name by Cuban writer Wendy Guerra, which has been translated into five languages. Nieve, an eight year old Cuban girl, is involved in the struggle of her parents to get her custody. Eva is her mother, an artist who believes in the revolution without censorship or authoritarianism. She remarried to Dan, a Swede who works in the construction of a nuclear plant. Manuel is her father, a playwright who sacrifices himself to writing pamphleteer plays in a remote area of the country. This story is a celebration of freedom and a confrontation to authority that takes place in the '80s, in the midst of one of the worst economic crisis in Cuba.


影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900