猫眼电影 > 游侠传



Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the distant past - "Daughter of Fergana" and "Nasreddin's Adventure". Let us recall all the more our tribute to the founders of the Uzbek national cinema, who displayed courage in the making of the first Uzbek historical-biographical films and pictures about modern times. Nabi Ganiyev from 50 years of the life thirty has devoted to the favourite art. He has created films which have played a greater role in becoming and development of the Uzbek cinema. Nabi Ganiyev was born in 1904 in Tashkent. Since the childhood he liked to read verses, to sing songs, to draw, parody friends. He dreamed to become the artist and in 1924 acts to study in the supreme art technical workshop in Moscow. Here it for the first time has seen films and has grown fond of cinema for all life. In 1925 Nabi Ganiyev comes back to Tashkent and "the Star of the East" starts to work in just created film studio. First it is removed as the actor in films, and then Last works as the assistant to different directors in such pictures as"the Sun of happiness" and others. Then it is independent as the director removes films "the Well of death","Guy","We shall win","Courageous friends". In 1943 on the screen there was a magnificent comedy"Nasreddin in Bukhara". Penetrated by thin humour, the comedy with the favourite hero of east people till now uses tremendous success. Film has been removed under L.Solovyova's script, Century Vitkovich , director J.Protazanovym, the second director was N.Ganiev. Наби Ганиев has brought the big contribution for creation of this comedy. It was the present school for the director and in 1946 N.Ganiev has shot a film "Nasreddin's Adventure".

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