猫眼电影 > 疯了


Ma folie

Hanna爱着Yann,也爱他寄给她的情书:用iPhone录制的短而富有诗意的电影。然而,Yann的爱并不止于此。他的视频信件构成威胁,Hanna不知道该信任谁。本片开始是一个浪漫的爱情故事,但逐渐变成复杂的心理惊悚片,模糊了内在和外在知觉之间,以及真相和欺骗之间的界限。 Hanna loves Yann and the love letters that he sends her: short, poetic films recorded with an iPhone. However, Yann does not leave her alone. His video-letters become a threat and Hanna does not know whom to trust. Ma Folie starts as a romantic love-story but gradually turns out to be a complex psychological thriller, blurring the lines between internal and external perception, as well as truth and deception.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900