猫眼电影 > 大洋之心 第一季
大洋之心 第一季海报封面图

大洋之心 第一季

El corazón del océano
电视剧 / 剧情 / 爱情 / 冒险
2014-02-03西班牙开播 / 80分钟

The first nights aboard on the Nao San Miguel are not how the maidens waited. The vagaries of the ship wreak havoc among young girls, but Ana represses her discomfort to help her traveling companions. The expedition arrives in Gran Canaria, where a detachment of soldiers and the rest of the expeditionaries await them. There, Mencía meets her friend Isabel of Cabrera and her daughter, Elvira, who will also join the adventure. A storm is planned on the Nao San Miguel, the ships of Ovando and Becerra are more advanced and Mencía does not want to lose sight of them. However, Salazar believes that it is better to fold until the time improves. Once again, the captain and Mencía are facing each other again. Pelayo, who was a stowaway, almost drowned, and is discovered to be saved by Alonso. After the storm must repair the damage.

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